Β-葡聚醣舒緩抗敏鎮定原液β-Glucan Skin Soothing Concentrate
天然β-葡聚醣抗敏修護原液, 可抗敏感, 紓緩肌膚不穩定狀況, 並進階護理, 幫 助肌膚恢復健康狀態, β-Glucan舒緩因⼦打造最佳修護系統, 可搭配微針及導 入儀使用, 針對術後的肌膚有極佳的修護效果, 並賦予脆弱肌膚完美的舒緩, 修 護精華, 溫柔呵護肌膚。
A calming concentrate that alleviates redness, irritation and discomfort. This formula utilizes a high concentration of β-Glucan, a powerful calming agent that bolsters skin’s resilience while alleviating redness and irritation.
Best suited for sensitive skin.
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全家純取貨 - 單件運費 70 元
‧ 單件運費 70 元
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宅配 - 單件運費 80 元
‧ 單件運費 80 元
‧ 滿1件運費80元
‧ 滿1000元免運費
3.4 Fl. Oz. / 100mL


More Details
純天然β-葡聚醣抗敏修護原液, 可抗敏感, 紓緩肌膚不穩定狀況, 並進階護理, 幫助肌膚恢復健康狀態, β-Glucan舒緩因⼦打造最佳修護系統, 可搭配 微針及導入儀使用, 針對術後的肌膚有極佳的修護效果, 並賦予脆弱肌膚完美的舒緩, 修護精華, 溫柔呵護肌膚。本產品無添加Paraben羥基苯甲酸 酯, 使⽤100%純天然⾼科技成份, 對⽪膚零負擔, 使⽤後沒有化學殘留。本產品特別針對敏感性⽪膚及術後保養使⽤, 可以快速修復受傷肌膚, 密集 修復肌膚, 超濃縮原液配⽅全⾯重建健康膚質, 持續使⽤⾺上改善您的肌膚, 使肌膚修護完美健康狀態零缺點。 β-葡聚醣 (β-Glucan)成為肌膚中的兩個防禦系統:角質層、皮膚免疫系統。積極型防護主要依賴⽪膚中的蘭格罕⽒細胞(Langerhans cells)。免 疫系統防禦的功⽤:對抗紫外線輻射、修復老化皮膚、獵捕⼩擦傷及糜爛入侵的細菌、皮膚疾病的復原(接觸性⽪膚炎, 異位性皮膚炎, 皮膚⽅⾯職 業病)。蘭格罕⽒細胞之活性與數量減少對肌膚的影響,防禦系統活性受損及敏感性⽪皮膚及⽪膚感染 。可使失去免疫系統不健康的肌膚復原,皮膚 舒緩、感染降低更新細胞增⽣⽽使皺紋相對地減少,讓敏感及受傷肌膚恢復為健康膚質。針對敏弱肌膚設計,可有效舒緩肌膚不適,對抗過敏現 象,改善肌膚問題,提升防護能⼒,配⽅添加⾼效保濕因⼦與多重漢⽅植物萃取,滋潤、修護肌膚,恢復健康美麗的膚質。
於早晚清潔及化妝後過後, 取適量均勻塗抹於全臉, 按摩後吸收為止, 之後可直接使用其他保養品, 建議持續使⽤以獲得最佳保養效果。
β-Glucan Skin Soothing Concentrate utilizes a high concentration of beta-glucan, a powerful calming agent that soothes sensitive and irritated skin.
Provides intensive care for delicate and sensitive skin types and gives your skin the power to defend itself against environmental stressors. This lightweight concentrate promptly relieves redness and discomfort caused by skin irritants and dryness. With each application skin will appear visibly smoother, stronger and well nourished.
Skin Types:Best suited for sensitive skin. (All skin types can use)
How To Use Use
twice a day, after cleansing and toning.
Apply a moderate amount (1-2 pumps) onto clean fingertips and gently massage into the skin. Avoid the eye area. Wait until concentrate is fully absorbed to continue with your daily skin care routine.