睫⽑嫁接Eyelash Extension
F/ATaipei提供經典蠶絲,蠶絲蛋⽩,⽇本⿊貂⽑及⼭茶花睫⽑。層次⾃然,空氣般輕盈,顧客可⾃⾏搭配長 度、濃度、翹度,並使⽤最佳醫療級別⿊膠,通過SGS檢驗合格,也適⽤於敏感性眼睛。
Clients can choose between classic, natural or volume. We also offer removals and fixes. In order to provide better retention and customizability, our technician will discuss the number, materials, natural level when customers visit.
嫁接後注意事項After Care
*It is recommend to keep lashes away from water and strong winds within four hours after lash application.
*It is recommend to keep away from facials, steam rooms, hot springs and saunas within two days after lash application.
*Do not use oil-based makeup remover as oil breaks down the glue used in lash application causing lashes to fall.
*You may apply lash lengthening serum to stimulate your own lash growth.Avoid using mascara and rubbing your eyes.
*If the real lashes fall out along with faux lashes, it is an indication of normal growth cycle of lashes, just like it would be with your hair.
*You should seek the service of a professional technician to remove faux lashes.Pulling on the lashes may result in the falling of your real lashes and damaging your eyelash follicle
因此當真睫⽑向前⽣長時嫁接的假睫⽑,會變得⽀撐⼒不⾜以致於⼀根根的脫落,屬正常現象。 F/A Taipei 使⽤⽇本品牌睫⽑MARICO及醫療級別⿊膠,品質把關。
F/A Taipei 有蠶絲蛋⽩⽑、⽇本⿊貂⽑(⽑質柔軟)、6D⼭茶花(0.07mm層次⾃然)
法式⾓蛋⽩ Lash Lift & Tint
利⽤⾃⾝睫⽑,⼀根根調整⽑流同時創造完美的弧度。 再搭配軟化、固定、染⾊的⽅式,達到最佳的捲翹度。 睫⽑垂塌救星,⾃然無異物感,可維持6-8週。
Lash lift is a SAFE, SECURE, NATURAL treatment that aims at enhancing your own lashes by lifting them from the root and giving them more length, which helps to open up the eyes and always makes you look bright. The tinting portion is a free add-on.Usually last about 6-8 weeks
野⽣塑眉 Eyebrow Lamination
調整原⽣眉⽑改善雜亂⽑流,使眉⽑根根分明。 搭配軟化、固定、染⾊的⽅式,使臉部五官更加立體。
Brow lamination is a perm for your brows. The lamination sets your brows into a uniform shape for an extended period of time. The setting solution helps brow hairs stay brushed up and lifted upward for about 6-8 weeks.