全⽅位臉部保養課程 Facial Treatment
F/A TAIPEI 臉部保養課程產品使⽤來⾃洛杉磯醫學美容品牌Magnolia Orchid。 全系列產品為100%天然純植物萃取,不含任何酒精和化學成分等容易造成肌膚刺激等原料使⽤後對肌膚零負擔, 結合F/A TAIPEI 臉部保養課程,針對不同膚質提供抗老化、敏感、抗痘、美⽩、淡斑、控油、保濕及修護課程。
We use products of Magnolia Orchid. The ingredients used in MO Clinical product line are designed to calm sensitive skin, renew skin cells and achieve skin brightening, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, restore healthy skin hydration, and balance skin’s PH levels.We offer the skin care solutions that provide extraordinary results in preventing and improving skin conditions.
清透基礎淨脂保濕Classic Facial / 90mins
以非傳統侵入性的⽅式促進新陳代謝及外層老化表⽪, 利⽤微晶緩膚儀去粉刺及痘痘讓真⽪層在不受損的情況下補充營養。
Start with cleaning and skin exfoliation and follow by skin analysis, hydrating, and facial massage.

VLINE逆齡微雕V-Line Sculpting Facial / 90mins
採⽤美國FDA認證微晶探頭,超過10萬顆的天然礦物質微晶⽯粒⼦附著在探頭上, 獨有真空吸彈系統搭配膠原蛋⽩抗敏保濕凝霜,使臉部緊緻提拉。
With the use of diamond lifting, this therapy minimizes fine lines and wrinkles and improves elasticity and firmness. Followed by a deep cleaning, hydrating, and facial massage.

深層抗痘淨膚Anti-Acne Deep Cleansing Facial / 90mins
深層清潔臉部老廢⾓質,改善痘痘及粉刺問題。使⽤⾺栗素抗痘控油舒緩原液 搭配活化修護精華安瓶, 具抗發炎,舒緩功效同時建立肌膚防禦能⼒,增強⽪膚循環代謝,並使⽤葡聚醣舒緩抗敏鎮定肌膚。
Deep cleaning for acne and blackhead problems by cleansing the acne-bacteria, reducing inflammation and providing a rejuvenation effect on the skin. Helps prevent visible signs of aging and increase skin health. This therapy includes a moisturizing care.

奢華極淨煥⽩Brightening Skin Facial / 90mins
⽇本 Sonic 超聲波活膚儀及美國FDA認證的LED三種⾊光(藍/紅/綠), 搭配熊果素及Q10⿂⼦保濕精華露對⽪膚進⾏離⼦導出和導入,美⽩淡斑,改善膚⾊不均,並加速臉部代謝循環。
Exfoliation with local organic goat milk scrub, extraction and facial massage. Helps brighten skin color, reduce dark spots, and improves skin color balance.
奇蹟三式極致保養 Luxury Full Moisture Care / 100mins
結合深層清潔保濕課程及Vline微雕,並搭配超⾳波Ultra深層導入儀,可活化深層的肌膚,有效改善肌膚鬆弛問題,立即達到肌膚底層修護保濕; 使⽤⽇本頂級EM11精萃美肌光澤玻尿酸粒⼦及頂級VB5-Vitamin 進⾏強效鎖⽔保濕,適合任何肌膚,醫美術後,敏感肌膚。
Do What Makes Your Soul Shine, All Included! (Men and Women) Combine with V-line sculpting, deep moisturizing, and ultra sonic deep care machine to boost deep skin condition. Effectively improves loose skin problem and deep moisturizing maintenance; the therapy uses top EM11 extract of hyaluronic acid and VB5 vitamin to lock in moisture. Suitable for all types of skin, including after beauty surgery and sensitive skin.

微晶海藻綿煥膚 Micro-Sponge Seaweed Skin Renewal / 90mins
利⽤海藻植物天然活性刺激肌膚底層之膠原蛋⽩增⽣並改善肌膚鬆垂問題及活絡臉部穴點,促進臉部微循環,極細緻的結晶針體,可穿透肌膚表⽪層加以重建重組肌膚細胞。 迅速增加⽪膚免疫⼒和加速細胞更新,改善⽑孔粗⼤,肌膚凹洞暗淡,內包粉刺等深層問題,可刺激老廢⾓質代謝重組健康細胞,提亮肌膚光澤,深層改善⿊⾊素沉澱並同時達到即時補⽔之功效。
Originated from Europe. Enriched with a variety of precious natural seaweeds, minerals and herbal extracts, which penetrated our thick epithelium to reach into dermis to accelerate blood circulation and boost Epidermal Cell proliferation. These invisible crystals penetrate from epidermis to dermis that stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin protein.