本公司光療凝膠使⽤⽇本第⼀品牌Presto GEL 成份為⿒科技術應⽤所研發無毒無味無害的專⽤光療凝膠;低刺激 性,不會造成指甲內部損傷。有著與亞洲⼈肌膚⾊調相親的彩膠,⾊ 彩選擇豐富,原物料以牙科材料為概念基礎製作出的凝膠讓消費者安 ⼼,更打破以往傳統做光療美甲會傷害⾃⼰真甲的觀念,既有著美麗 的指甲也免除擔⼼會有化學物品傷害健康,即使婦也適⽤。
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We use products of OPI and CND for nail polish and Japan Presto for Gel. Presto gel is a revolutionary product. It contains a unique and advanced composition of highly active natural ingredients in a breakthrough formula. There are many products and special preparations both natural and medicinal, available today worldwide, for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Presto gel is suitable for men and women of all ages, pregnant women, women after child birth and children over 12 years of age.

經典不敗法式指彩 Classic French Manicure
以透明或裸粉⾊調為做為底⾊,指尖搭配⽩⾊半⽉型微笑線, 簡約氣質適合各種場合。
There are many fun and creative nail art designs, but the traditional French manicure is a look that is timeless. Created using white tips applied to a light pink or clear base coat, it is a design that has been around for decades and recently enjoyed a big comeback. It’s the perfect look for various occasions, from casual to formal.
氣質耐看漸層指彩 Natural Ombre Nail
While ombre has been wildly popular in hair and couture, its whimsical gradient of tones – from shadow to light. Nude tones always give your hands a naturally understated presence.